After 20 years of intensive studies of the frescoes of Thera, with the help of the most brilliant scientists from all over the world , I came up to this conclusion : I had to run off this island because the world is not ready to accept the truth about the message they were brought up in light ....
It was a summer day back on early ´90s when I´ve used
an old friendship of my oncle , Byron Raizis , proff. of English Literature at Athen´s University , to arrange a meeting with proff.Christos Dumas , director of the excavations in Akrotiri , to ask him only one question :
" What does he think of the use of saffron in prehistoric Thera ? "
Dumas laughed and told me :
" What ever , you , think , nobody could ever tell you are crazy , since there is no way to prove it " , meanning probably that we have no written evidence from this period of History ....