Sector A : The African
Small fragments of an african fresco were found nearby sacrificial horns ....
There are 2 questions equally important about this discovery :
1. Is it possible for the Therans to have visited the african continent before the 17 A.C ?
2. Why sacrificial horns nearby "a slave or prisoner "?
The only possible answer is that this man was honered as a living god because he should be related with Pancratium Maritimum , or in african dialecte of Botswana : Quasi which is a powerful healing plant that growes up still today on Santorini !
All young people on the frescoes are painted with rased heads colored blue because this is exactly how is used by the shamans in Botswana who cut the bulbe and razed their heads so the hallucinogenic effects of the plant will be interpreted as a virtual voyage to the world of spirits ....